So I was going through my files.. Okay, to be exact, the folder that held all my stories. Haha. And.. hmm.. Opened a fanfic after another and I finally found something worth to post up! ;D
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."
-Jim Ryun
I used this as a topic for the fanfic. ;D I thought it was a good idea to start that one-shot. But I didn't dare to post it up except in my fan blog because I wasn't sure if I used the quote in the right way. D: Oh well. Haha.
AH! And I found the story that ShirYee and I wrote together! AHHAHAHA. But it's incomplete. We're like, halfway through the prologue and it's stopping there. LOL. What to do.. *sigh*. Written last year and hasn't touched it since.
Okay, believe me when I say my stories are dying.. Like, literally. D: So few are completed and.. Uggggggh.. Where has all my inspiration gone to?!?!